Providing You With Top-Quality Medical Education
Karen Thurnau Owner / Instructor of MedicPlus
Originally a farm girl from Indiana, and thanks to the military in 1989 I was given the opportunity to come to Alaska. I am married, mother of 2 daughters and a son, which has rewarded me with 7 grandchildren, who has blessed me with 2 great grandsons and a great granddaughter. When I am not teaching or training. My free time, is spent with Chris in our new work shop, camping, hunting, 4 wheeling, Pawn Shop Hopping, traveling or just spending time with family.
I received my first CPR/First Aid Certificate 30 years ago. Within 4 months of having this training I found myself in a life altering event. I never thought of how quickly life can be taken until I was faced with feeling the pulse at my fingertips slowly fade away and a life of a beautiful middle age woman was taken from us. I wanted to give up but from this experience and the love and encouragement from a great man (my husband) I never gave up & never stop training for life.

Now with 30 years of experience in Security, First responder and Training with many rewarding and happy endings. I am starting my own CPR / First Aid and EMS Training Center. My Training Center is family friendly, family oriented. With my husband, daughter and granddaughter as instructors. I believe that my Instructors and myself have the experience, understanding and compassion to help guide you into the Emergency Medical Services where you will find great satisfaction knowing you are “Training for Life.”
I look forward to meeting and learning from each and everyone of you.
MedicPlus LLC
“Captain Chris” Thurnau EMT/ETT/BLS/CPR/First Aid Instructor
I was raised in Missouri, when I was not in the fields planting or harvesting I spent my time hunting, trapping and dreaming about moving and living in remote Alaska. At 18, fresh out of high school I joined the Army as a soldier first and Military Policeman. My first assignment was Germany, that was a eye opener for a rural Missouri farm boy. In 1981 I saw my dream come true. I received order to Alaska. Now here, I followed my career path in Law Enforcement to Security and Training to armored cars to Captain on the North Slope to a Firearms Instructor. I with my wife be my side we have owned a Remote Snowmobile Lodge and managed a remote Fly in Fishing Lodge.

With 40 years of experience in Serving, Protecting and Training I am the owner of CK CCW and Firearms Training and an EMT 3, Training EMS/BEAR/NSTC/Firearm Instructor Now venturing off to be an ETT/EMT Instructor for MedicPlus. In my free time I love spending time with Karen in our new work shop, camping, hunting, 4 wheeling, Pawn Shop Hopping, traveling or spending time with family.
I am looking forward to helping and guiding all students that are looking to advance in medical field and emergency services by training and learning with everyone at MedicPlus and you.
MedicPlus LLC
Robyn Angell Higgins BLS/CPR/First Aid Instructor
As a Military Brat, I didn’t have a place to call home until my family moved to Alaska in 1989. Though, I was not born in Alaska this is where I planted my roots and call home. I am married to a born and raised Alaskan. We have shared 25 years together. We have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. My husband’s infamous quote “if only we could have been grandparents first”. There are those times I would have to agree with him. I have been a stay at home soccer mom to beauty pageant mom. Although being a stay at home mom was the most rewarding opportunity, I did find other things to do with my time such as Rape Crisis Training and volunteering with S.T.A.R.’s Rape Crisis Hotline. I am now an Event Planner and Emergency Trauma Technician, adding to my list I am also a Range Safety Officer, CPR/First Aid and BLS Instructor. At times I think I am a “Jill of All Trades”. I love traveling and spending time with my family and if it’s not out doors in the winter time I am usually up for the adventure.

A door with new opportunities has opened for me and now I look forward to being an instructor. Training and learning with every class. I have the compassion to help guide you into the Emergency Medical Services where you will find great satisfaction knowing you are “Training for Life”
I look forward to learning from each and everyone of you.
MedicPlus LLC
Izabelle Higgins CPR/First Aid/CABS Instructor
I am a born and raised Alaskan native. During my 4 years of High School I focused my studies on Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) and American Sign Language (ASL). Not sure why I was interested in taking ASL all I knew was I wanted to learn and became quite fluent. As luck would have it, when my nephew Cody was 3 years old we found out he was losing his hearing. I learned then that decisions you make and roads that are taken can and will affect others. I have enjoyed teaching and helping not only Cody but my whole family with a new way to communicate. I am continuing my education at UAA in the school of nursing. I have a 1 year old son who is the light of my life and with the love and support from my parents and family, I am able to be home to raise him while going to college. In my free time I love spending time with my family, traveling, and reading.

I am looking forward to jump starting my career in the medical field and emergency services by training and learning with everyone at MedicPlus and you.